Welcome to my English Web page!

Born 1963 and living at the Baltic Sea in the northernmost part of Germany, I am working as a novelist and freelance writer. This English section of my Website will give all my American and English speaking friends (and other interested people all over the world, of course) at least a short insight in what I am working on, what thrives and thrills me and keeps me going. This is – and can only be – a brief summary of all the different topics I am interested in and working on, but still it will give you a small glance on a writer who simply loves the one thing most that is all about books: telling stories…

A good part of my inspirations I collect during travels, and then – coming home to the little lighthouse, that is my writer’s refuge with an absolutely stunning seaview – the stories melt together. Every year, my husband and I spend a couple of months in the State of Florida (USA) which, in the meantime, has become our second home. Other than that, we travel a lot – most beloved are our trips to South Africa.

As an ocean-lover all my life, it’s not surprising that I find most of my inspirations walking along beaches, listening to the sound of the ocean, sending my thoughts out on long journeys… This is by far the best environment for me to think about new stories and to develop them. Therefore, the Sea often plays a defining role in my stories, as it does in my personal life as well.

Inspired by people who take on the challenges of life and learn (sometimes the hard way) to overcome even severe injuries of body and/or soul, and who – despite all that – never forget how to laugh and how to give strength and optimism to others, I am trying to showcase such destinies and characters in my books – always hoping to inspire others. It’s because laughter and happiness, standing up for others, giving strenght rather than taking it, are the best things in life one can do for others.

The Lighthouse

NDR-LeuchttuermeIf you want to see some pictures of my lighthouse, you may use this link:


Page should open up in a separate window –
if not, just make sure to come back to this spot… you haven’t seen and read enough!

English Book Releases

As part of my own exclusive MINI BOOK EDITION, these small paperback booklets (10,5 x 10,5 cm) are available in English as well:

(published in April 2014)

mini Silhouettes

It is the short story of a man searching for something for his whole life. Is it a coincidence, that he finally meets an old man in an Art Gallery who gives him probably the defining hint to find what he’s looking for?

Find out by reading “Silhouettes” – and also make it a gift to your family, friends and all those you want to share it with. They’ll love it!



“The Fairytale of the Leaping Hearts” 
(available as per January 2018)

Leaping Hearts Cover

This Fairytale for adults tells us about the little, leaping hearts that walk into the world to remind us of love and happiness and who make our hearts leap with joy..

It is a story about love and friendship, but also a book to HEAL:
it tells us how easily a broken heart can be healed.

A wonderful gift –
also for weddings/couples, as a loving friendship is fundamental to a joyful life together…


“The Magic Clock” 
(available as per January 2018)

The Magic Clock Cover

A young couple gets a tiny little clock for their wedding and they realize the importance and value of time spent together. But after a while, they forget to cherish their time together. They are only running and racing through their days and calendar sheets…

But as this clock is a MAGIC clock, it does something magic to remind the two of what they are missing.

A wonderful gift – especially for weddings/couples


order now by mail to: meer@karin-buchholz.com
price: about 3.50 Euro each, depending on current printing costs and exchange rates
plus shipping & handling
For deliveries into countries outside the EU, custom or other fees and charges may apply.
Payment of these lies in the responsibility of the buyer.

all books can be personalized (order size: 150 pieces or more)

International Press Releases

March 2014 –
published by: Becky & Bob Griffin, Griffin Directories, Inc.

see the entire March issue and find all previous issues on: http://www.beachnewsletters.com/irb_issues.html


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by
the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

(Mark Twain)

German Book Releases

(only in German language) and available on amazon.de




Der kleine Leuchtturm
„The Little Lighthouse“

An almost totally true story about the friendship between a seagull named Fiete and the Little Lighthouse – a well-admired book for children aged from 4 to 94…

The story is – of course – about THE little lighthouse, in which I live!

And all the illustrations for the book, I also did myself…

ISBN 978-3-7412-6581-5  – € 16,75

ISBN 978-3-7412-6793-2   – € 6,49

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LL Benny

LL Fiete


Der kleine Schneekönig
„The Little Snow King“

This tiny little book tells the Story of King Snowflake who giggles and laughs adorably when snow falls in his little kingdom. But: snow will only fall as soon as somebody comes visit the King… why? well: find out between the pages!

This book is a joint project with illustrator and dear friend Anke Reimann, who created the funny and wonderful characters for my story. Just adorable – kids and adults just love it!

only available in my shop!

back flocke


also available as a pre-packed GIFT SPECIAL in a paperbag –

containing: Book, two pieces for a board game (the game is part of the story) and a snow globe showcasing characters of the book: King Snowflake and Mr. Snowman


cover_Ganz schön am Leben

Ganz schön am Leben
„Pretty alive“

Poems and philosophical thoughts, experimental pieces as well as light-handed and funny experiments

ISBN 978-3-7412-6542-6 – € 16,75

ISBN 978-3-7412-6800-7  – € 6,49

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Der Gaukler
“The Juggler”

This 60 pages book tells the story of Jakob, a boy who is so full of imagination and phantasy, that the protagonists of his childhood games tend to become reality to him. A behavior that cannot be tolerated by his left-brained parents – an honorable judge and a public prosecutor.

Join Jakob’s journey through the chapters of this book – being as well the chapters of his life – from the little boy dreamer to an old man, who finally realizes the simple (?) truth:

only those, who are alive, eat cherries.
only those, who are alive, read newspapers.

ISBN 978-3-7347-8828-4 – € 12,75

ISBN 978-3-7347-8829-1  – € 7,75

ISBN 978-3-7392-5190-5  – € 5,99


Der Duft nach Sommer
„The Scent of Summer“

It’s a short novel about childhood days in a small German village (which as well could be anywhere else), about first love, philosophy of growing-up, the ups and downs in the life of a single mother’s single child and decisions to be made…

A tiny little book, perfect as a gift for your best girlfriend!

published 2005
48 pages

ISBN 3-8280-2130-1 – € 5,90


“City Tides”

Short-Stories about people living in typical urban surroundings, stories of hopes and disappointments, every-days’ work and thoughts as well as magic moments and inspiring encounters.

Enter a world beyond concrete and brick skyscrapers, beyond city autobahn and underground, beyond imagination, dream and reality.

published 2013
140 pages

ISBN 978-3-7322-3235-2 – € 16.75
ISBN 978-3-7322-3908-5 – € 11.50
ISBN 978-3-8482-9256-1 – € 10.99

cover_Hinterhoftraeume klein

“Backyard Dreams”

Sixteen short-stories like a walk through the city: you’ll meet many different people and protagonists who don’t live their dreams in the front row, but in the more silent and secluded environment of the so-called “small people” –

…and even a street cat shows you her ways through the city.

published 2018
152 pages

ISBN 978-3-7528-6840-1 – € 16.75

ISBN 978-3-7528-9133-1 – € 6.49


Strandgut – Geschichten mit Meerblick
„Beached. Short Stories with a Seaview“

This is a collection of thirteen silently touching short stories, thoughtfully telling about people living by the Sea and featuring some special locations – small fishermen’s villages, lighthouses, and silent shores, where the ups and downs of everybody’s lives and their destinies come to be. Short stories for silent moments, to inhale, to think about, and for being touched for a long-lasting moment.

published 2010
140 pages

ISBN 978-3-8391-5625-4 – € 16,75

ISBN 978-3-8482-8590-7 – € 12,99

Audio Book
a studio recorded reading by myself – Just sit down, relax and listen to the voice alongside the sea breeze…
ISBN 978-3-00-030-591-7 – 2 CDs, 150 minutes total – € 12,75


Strandgut 2 – Geschichten mit Meerblick
„Beached 2. Short Stories with a Seaview“

This is the second book of the „Beached.“ series, covering another twelve heartful short stories about special characters and destinies who will lead you to the beaches of life, both silently and immediately. Again, the frontiers between presence and past, between dream and hope, truth and imagination start to fade.

Make a thoughtful beach walk alongside these stories.

published 2011
140 pages

ISBN 978-3-8423-4720-5 – € 16,75

ISBN 978-3-8448-5547-0 – € 12,99

Additional work

In addition to my already published books, I call two completed Romantic Novels my own (telling stories about life in small Florida beach towns, I should mention), as well as two new manuscripts I am still working on:

Novel # 1
„Neue Ufer“ = „New Shores“ I wrote in 2003

Novel # 2
„Sterne über dem Meer“ = „Stars above the Sea“ followed in 2004

Novel # 3
has the working title „Turnpike“ (which doesn’t need to be translated) and

Novel # 4
has not yet found an appropriate title.

Moreover, I have finished three Children’s Books lately. Currently, I am working on the illustrations (all by myself as well!). That way, I use the time until I find a publisher who falls in love with these stories, as much as I did as did a lot of test readers already.

I will keep you updated on that.

There is another „leg“ my work is grounded on: humorous newspaper columns on everyday’s-everywhere’s crazyness – mishaps, strange behaviours and funny situations I witness – literally every time I cross the street or sit in a café where I overhear my passers-by talking… Strange and humorous, witty, poignant columns about the global human race and its daily life.